The Foundation’s board of directors includes family, community leaders, friends, and medical professionals who treated Megan during her battle with breast cancer.

Nicole J. Carnahan

Matthew Cook, Esq

Claudia Davis, RN, BSN, OCN

Walter J. Gernhardt

Jill Golightly

Dr. Samuel Heiser, MD

Tatum Hindman

Dr. Christina Kim, MD

Jeffrey Lawson

Natalie Newman, CBCN, BSN, RN


Kristi Orbaugh, RN, MSN, RNP, AOCN

Thomas W. Ott

Michael A. Potter, CPA

Ed Sahm

Steven R. Snyder

In Memoriam: Luann Snyder, 1952–2018

Contact the board

You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.

Eleanor Roosevelt